The NBTC and TISI government legislators prescribe two criteria for applicants for NBTC and TISI certification of your products.
The applicant must meet the following qualifications:
1. Being an individual of Thai nationality, or
2. Being a juristic person registered under Thai law.
If you are not an individual of Thai nationality or are a juristic person registered under foreign laws or located abroad, your application must be made by a representative who is an individual or a juristic person of Thai nationality. This is the reason why you need a local representative to apply for TISI or NBTC certifications.
Can my importer in Thailand be the applicant?
Yes, you can let your Thai importer be a local representative to apply for TISI and NBTC certification. There is no additional cost to your local representative.
What importer details do I have to provide you with?
The most common requirements are their company name and address, a reliable contact name and an email address that can be contacted for essential documents.